2023 DEC Saratoga Tree Nursery Sale

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Well, it is that time of year again and the annual NYDEC Tree Sale is on! Select verities do sell out quickly so make sure you have your order ready to go on January 3rd. The last day to order is May 12th and they will contact you with pick-up/shipping information. The great news is their stock has healthy and typically huge roots, so they have higher success rates than some of the other mail order tree services. The downside is you have to order in quantities of at least 25 and sometimes more. This is a great option for someone with a large project or if several people want to put in an order together and then divvy them up later.

While they have great stock not all of it is native to NY and an even smaller amount are not native to the USA. In order to confirm status we had to ask the DEC for scientific names and then ran them through the New York Flora Atlas. Those marked as “Unknown” might be a cultivar or the scientific name was partial or not included. Here is a cliff note version of our work:

Jack PineNY Native
Red PineNY Native
White PineNY Native
Norway SpruceNot Native to USA
White SpruceNY Native
Douglas FirNot Native to NY
Japanese LarchNot Native to USA
Blue SpruceNot Native to NY
Atlantic White CedarNY Native
American HazelnutNY Native
Black WalnutNY Native
ButternutNY Native
Hybrid PoplarUnknown
Flowering DogwoodNY Native
Red MapleNY Native
Bear OakNY Native
Black OakNY Native
Red OakNY Native
White OakNY Native
Black CherryNY Native
River BirchNY Native
American SweetgumNY Native
“Copper” chinquapinUnknown
Beach PlumNY Native
Am. Highbush CranberryNY Native
Northern BayberryNY Native
Bristly LocustNot Native to NY
NinebarkNY Native
Black ChokeberryNY Native
Red Osier DogwoodNY Native
Silky DogwoodNY Native
Pussy WillowNY Native
Sandbar WillowNY Native
Streamco WillowNot Native to NY
Northern White CedarNY Native
Virginia RoseNY Native
Wetland RoseNY Native
Sand CherryNY Native
Winged SumacNY Native
Witch HazelNY Native
NannyberryNY Native
WinterberryNY Native
Wild GrapeNY Native

To place an order head on over to the DEC Website where you can find an order form and pricing: