Use this guide to get started on your climate resilient landscape, be it your own yard or in your community! This beautiful guide, created by Wild Ones, gives a quick overview as to why using native plants is so important. Accompanied by high-quality photos to help inspire you to take action! Please note this guide was created with broad appeal and some species of plants may not be native to your specific area, but all are native to the USA.
Get to Work With Native Plants
Once you have enjoyed the Climate Resilient Landscapes guide, check out the Native Garden Design Website to kick-start your garden design! They also go over how to install a garden in phases and tips for maintaining your new native plant garden for years of enjoyment. Get ready to spend some time on this step, but it is also the most fun!

Extra Help
You may have noticed that the Native Garden Design Website includes specific designs for many different cities. While there is no design for our specific area, the Boston design shares a similar ecoregion to us in Albany. The suggested plants within the design are native to New York according to the New York Flora Atlas.
Grow With Us
While all of this will keep you busy for quite some time, if you feel the need for some companionship along the way, consider joining our chapter. We offer opportunities to really deep dive into some of the topics covered here. We also host a seed swap in the fall which is a great way to obtain native plants at no cost to you. Once you start to see the ecosystem come alive on your own property, you may want to do even more. Our chapter sets up several opportunities for outreach and willing to work with your strengths to accomplish larger goals within the community.