Meet & Hike
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Nature Walk/Hike Public Restroom Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity
Saturday 24th at 10:00am Meet & Hike at the Albany Pine Bush with Dustin Mitchell. The Albany Pine Bush is a jewel in our region, and a great place to spot native species growing in their native habitat. We should be able to see some asters in bloom this time of year, and lots of other late-summer blooms. We'll explore what we find, and practice identifying with keys and apps. The focus is on getting an idea of how some common natives like to grow, to give them a better home in our gardens. We will start in the parking lot at the discovery center at 195 New Karner Road. The walk will be short, on sandy, somewhat hilly terrain. Dress for the weather, bring water, and pack insect repellent spray or clothing - ticks are endemic! The discovery center has restrooms.