Production Scale Seed Sowing and Propagation
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Hands-On/How-To Workshop Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Saturday February 1st, 10am - 12:30 pm (inclement weather date Sat 2/8). Join SUNY Cobleskill Associate Professor Timothy Marten LEED AP, ASM, for Production Scale Seed Sowing and Propagation instruction utilizing the techniques, materials, and procedures for small-scale production. Learn the scarification and stratification techniques taught at the college. If time allows, we will be transplanting grasses used for advanced level parasitic (known as holoparasites, cannot photosynthesize and depend on their hosts for food) plant production. Plants will stay to grow on in the greenhouse and part of what we do will come back to the Thacher Native Plant sale on May 17th. Please register here in case of a weather event.