A Yard in Transition

| Local Native Gardens

Join the Garden Tour

We will be touring Jennifer’s Garden on Saturday, August 10th, 2024 from 10 am to 2 pm. Members are encouraged to bring a friend and to carpool. See all of our upcoming events and register for the address on our Events Calendar.

We have been slowly converting the lawn to native plants since 2021. As we plant a little each year – some barely germinated seed, some plugs, and some potted plants – each garden contains multiple layers of maturity. We contend with significant deer and rabbit browse and the occasional cutworm, so the backyard has young trees and shrubs protected in chicken wire. (And the front gardens probably should, too!) The back and side are filled with native strawberry and violet.
Our goal is to create the feel of a botanical garden. We want large, stone-edged gardens throughout the front and back, connected by grass paths. We already have this in the front yard and are working, bit by bit, on the backyard. Two more large, stone-edged gardens are planned for the backyard but that will have to wait until next year.
Our yard is sunny and backs up against forest, which backs up on marshland. Our forest has numerous spring flowers including Canada mayflower, starflower, goldthread, pink ladyslipper, trillium, and marsh marigold. The forest is predominantly hemlock and birch. The edge of the forest is mainly blackberry. We have to be vigilant against invasive species, as we have found multiflora rose, Japanese honeysuckle, buckthorn, Oriental bittersweet, mugwort, and spotted knapweed.

Connecting Pathways

We also invite you to check out the pollinator gardens and native trees at the entrance to the neighborhood. I have been working with the Town of Corinth to install these habitats. You can also check out the pollinator garden I installed at the Village of Corinth Beach. You can see it just behind the post office at 97 Main Street, Corinth, NY (there is parking).

Tips for the Day Of

  • Please park on the side of the street
  • No smoking on the property
  • Wear comfortable shoes – property has an incline in the back and is uneven.
  • Please only enter the forest through the opening
  • Carry in/carry out, please.

The tour will be held (light) rain or shine.

Wild Ones

Wild Ones Capital Region New York is a chapter of a national organization promoting the use of native plants in every garden. Membership is a great way to support this mission on both a local and national level. Check out membership.wildones.org for more details including all the great benefits you will receive as a member. Our local chapter works diligently to provide specific information about our local native plants. Even if you are a Wild One’s member, please consider donating directly to our chapter.