Natives in winter

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It’s easy to love the fresh greens and spectacular bloom colors that our native plants display in summer. But there’s another sort of beauty on view with natives in winter. Here’s a selection from backyards in Albany during November and December. Photo credits all go to @100milehome on Instagram.

Wild bergamot, monada fistulosa
Wild bergamot, monada fistulosa
Blue mistflower, conoclinium coelestinum
Blue mistflower, conoclinium coelestinum
Purple Coneflower, chinacea purpurea
Purple Coneflower, echinacea purpurea
Joe pye weed at Albany High School
Joe pye weed, eutrochium purpureum
Giant yellow hyssop, agastache nepetoides
Giant yellow hyssop, agastache nepetoides
Native hibiscus, hibiscus moscheutos
Native hibiscus, hibiscus moscheutos