Make sure to bookmark this website as it will be a huge help in ensuring that you have flora that is native to your area! is a great site to check out once you already know the name of the plant that you need more details on. Here is a quick overview of all the great features they provide!
Search Functions
Search by Scientific or Common Name. The best part is this search bar stays at the top of the page so it is easy to search multiple times.Not sure where to start then their home page has New York laid out by county. Please note county ranges are determined by vouchered specimens. Just because your county is not included does not mean a plant is not native it just means NYFA has not vouchered a specimen there yet.
Search Return
Once you have entered a search an interactive database appears. Note that the headers can be changed so you can organize them alphabetically by scientific or common name. You can also change it so only Native plants are displayed and if they have photos available.
Species Page
Take some time to really check out the species page as there is a bunch of information here. There is a map of where the species is present in New York. You can also see photos that have been submitted and there are related links so you can learn even more if you need.
This was a very brief overview of all the wonderful aspects of the New York Flora Atlas. Now that you know about it please let other New Yorkers know about it. This is a great way to get some in-depth information about the important natives in our area!
As always make sure to keep checking our Resources page for more helpful tools such as the NYFA search. We will be constantly updating this section of our website so make sure to visit frequently and share it with your friends.