Ring in 2024!
Our gardens are sleeping but visions of pink Prairie Smoke flowers and Wild Strawberries dance in our imaginations. Now is the time to reflect and PLAN for 2024.
Photo of Wild Starwberries by member Kristi Shepler

Not going to ask you to make any dreaded “New Year’s resolutions”. Instead, I invite you to consider how you may engage further with Wild Ones and our community. You already read our blog, so here are some suggestions on how to get the most from your membership in 2024:
- Commit to taking a Wild Ones Meet & Hike – See new places, make new friends, and learn about native plants in the wild. Or volunteer to invite other members to take a walk to explore your favorite place.
- Tour a member’s garden or invite us to come see your garden – We love to see gardens whether they are brand new, or in a straggly state of emerging to become a meadow, or well established! Members love to help each other figure out how to help plants flourish!
- Help on a committee – Such as Plant Propagation where you can have hands-on experience sowing seeds in winter and caring for the seedlings. Which are used for our plant sales such as the annual Thacher Plant Sale (May 18th).
- Volunteer a couple of hours to prepare or help at an event – Such as the display at the Capital Region Flower & Garden Expo (March 22-24) or the annual Native Plant Celebration (Nov 9th).
- Help us spread our mission to your county – We are looking for members to keep up with all the happenings in their county and arrange for us to have a presence there.
- Not into public speaking but know your way around the computer – Help us spread the word about our chapter through social media or volunteer to help update our resources with data entry.

Whether you like to work on spreadsheets or talk to the public, we have room for you! Invite your friends and neighbors to become a Wild Ones member! And, remember to renew!
Submitted by Laura Davis, new Membership Co-Chair. Reach out to me through “contact us” if you have suggestions or questions about how you can participate.
Past Opportunities

Not a Wild One’s Member yet? No problem! We are always welcoming new members and encourage them to jump in right away. This is the best way to start learning for your own garden with hands on experience!