Sustainable Living Center

Posted on | Local Native Gardens

The Sustainable Living Center is a section of the Schenectady County Cornel Cooperative Extension. They sure know how to pack in a lot of features into an area. Activities for kids, a seasonal food share program, and what brought us there a pollinator garden that is being converted to plants native to New York! Keep an eye on their website as they are only open for select hours during the growing season, but might set up an appointment too!

In addition to the food share program, they also have cut flower bouquets to take home. Most importantly they have a nice selection of native plants ready to go home with you! Check out the native plant garden for some inspiration on what your yard can look like.

The tour event included a little glimpse behind the scenes where plants in waiting are growing. Thankfully some of the workers let this common milkweed continue to grow! There are two Monarch caterpillars most likely the ones that will migrate to Mexico for the winter.

Wild Ones Membership

Wild Ones Capital Region New York is a chapter of Wild Ones a national organization promoting the use of native plants in the garden. Membership is a great way to support this mission on both a local and national level. Check out for more details including all the great benefits you will receive as a member. Our local chapter works diligently to provide specific information about our local native plants. This includes not only this blog but also handing out materials when we are out in the community. Even if you are a Wild Ones member, please consider donating directly to our chapter.