Author: Kristi Shepler

Wild Cucumber

Echinocystis lobata is one of the many native vine plants here in New York. The vine gracefully grows up trees and over hedge rows with a mutual agreement so no harm is done to the supporting plant. As an annual, the vine itself only lives for one year so it won’t strangle a host plant. […] Continue reading "Wild Cucumber"

Jack in the Pulpit Highlight

Arisaema stewardsonii is typically thought of as a spring ephemeral since that is when it blooms. However, if one were to continue watching, a stunning seed head will form in the fall! While most homes are built on land that has been drained off, this swamp-loving plant will sometimes grace homeowners with more wet and shady […] Continue reading "Jack in the Pulpit Highlight"

Sustainable Living Center

The Sustainable Living Center is a section of the Schenectady County Cornel Cooperative Extension. They sure know how to pack in a lot of features into an area. Activities for kids, a seasonal food share program, and what brought us there a pollinator garden that is being converted to plants native to New York! Keep […] Continue reading "Sustainable Living Center"

Jewelweed Highlight

Jewelweed is another plant with “weed” in the common name and, while it may grow like a weed, there is so much more to this fantastic native plant! Spotted Jewelweed Impatiens capensis and Pale Jewelweed Impatiens pallida are the two species that live here in the Capital Region of New York. Make sure to add […] Continue reading "Jewelweed Highlight"


Also known as Milkweed, even though it is not a weed, but in fact a widely beneficial native plant. This plant puts out leaves in early spring but doesn’t bloom until the summer months. In the fall watch for the seed pods to burst open in a dazzling show. Don’t forget to leave the stems […] Continue reading "Asclepias"